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Working Your Love Language Every Day

Working your Love Language daily with whomever you encounter everyday (spouse, children, co-worker, leaders, etc.) as well as even knowing your own love language can be such a rewarding peaceful and stress-free day.  Knowing how to interact and activate and communicate the love language daily will take your relationships over the top!

Here is some insight on the most common Love Languages:


Words of Affirmation: We must be careful of the words that we speak to our children daily. When you use words that encourage, motivate, build up and express parental love it will allow your child to face the world easier.  Avoid harsh words that affect their emotions and criticism in a way to get your child to respond to changes you would like to see.  These tactics never help and only hurt.

Quality Time: As parents with six children we’ve learned that quality time in the early years are precious to you and your child.  It helps promote growth, security, love and keeps the connection strong.  Our time with our children is valuable. So we scheduled family time which gave them an outlet-the freedom to share their thoughts, the events of their week, even their thoughts concerning their home.  This time helped them to learn themselves, learn us as parents and taught them how to deal with certain situations at school, church and even on their jobs. Gathering at least once a week for family dinner is always a time to be enjoyed.

FOR YOUR CO-WORKERS Words of Affirmation: Everyone would like to hear a thank you, you are doing a good job, keep up the good work, as a way of encouragement.  In reality you spend most of your day at work than home so learning to speak the language that connects with your co-workers can only build them up throughout the day which helps build the morale for the company.


Receiving Gifts: When trying to express love to your mate, you want to speak their love language to make sure you get the desired results when expressing love for them.  The language of receiving gifts tells us that our mate feels our love when we give them gifts.  The great thing about this is that price is not always a factor, something as simple as picking fresh flowers can brighten her day or something as simple as a new tie can brighten his day.  When speaking the language of gifts it’s the giving heart that wins your mate over and it sends a message that I am always thinking about you:)

Physical Touch: This does not always have to lead to sex.  A gentle touch, holding hands, a hug, sitting close, gentle kiss on the forehead etc., can open your mate’s heart to receive all the love you have to give.  Knowing how to speak this love language can open up your mate’s heart to receive all the love you want to share and in return receive the love that you desire from your mate.

Physical touch in any relationship is not physical abuse, threats, neglect, using someone to fulfill quirky desires.


Take the time to do something for yourself (decorating, writing, organizing, shopping, etc.)


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